
Delivering the Regional Transport Strategy

HITRANS staff work on a number of fronts to deliver the RTS. The main ones are:

Undertaking transport projects.

This is both at our own hand and in partnership with others. Projects typically involve either: provision of new transport services; providing information for users of existing transport services; or innovations to help achieve objectives such as modal shift.

Commissioning research studies.

These are typically used to help develop and/or assess proposals for transport improvements. Research is also undertaken to inform HITRANS' thinking and actions on key areas of transport policy.

Influencing the actions and policies of others.

We seek to make the case for transport improvements which require to be undertaken and funded by organisations other than HITRANS - such as Transport Scotland, Scottish Government and individual transport operators. We also seek to encourage others' to introduce transport policies which support the objectives of the RTS.


Supporting the work of member local authorities.

HITRANS assists by providing resources and specialist knowledge to help local authorities undertake projects and initiatives which contribute towards delivery of the RTS. HITRANS also works to help identify particular areas of transport where Councils can share resources and expertise with one another.

Working with other Scottish Regional Transport Partnerships.

This can provide a consistent voice on transport issues that are relevant to two or more RTPs.  Joint working has involved joint commissioning of research studies. It has also included supporting projects and initiatives on transport corridors which span more than one RTP area. There are regular meetings of the Chairs of the Scottish RTPs, while joint working at officer level is ongoing.