HITRANS has updated and modernised our website to meet the demands of a modern day viewer. This process has been a collaborative effort between our team and the excellent staff at Hillside Agency.


The updated website provides information on HITRANS Regional Transport Strategy and projects which HITRANS are currently involved in delivering or recently completed.


The new website offers easier navigation to different sections of the website, including:


  • About HITRANS: You can learn more about our operations and search our team and board members.


  • Projects: Information on current and recently completed projects.


  • Travel: Learn more about the different travel modes and how to plan your journey.


  • Documents and Meetings: Easy access to all meetings and documents for view sorted in clear navigation tools.


  • News: Keep up to date with the latest news from HITRANS.


We hope you enjoy the fresh new look of our website and if you have feedback please let us know.


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