The Highlands and Islands should aspire to a mainstream passenger transport system which promotes accessibility and is, as much as possible, easy to comprehend and use. The passenger transport system in the region currently involves a number of means of transport, which makes quality and opportunity for interchange between modes very important.

The following opportunities could arise for passenger transport in the future:
- Development of a common monitoring and evaluation system across the sector to provide a consistent understanding of outcomes enabled through passenger transport interventions.
- Greater funding opportunities. Funding could include for new investment in vehicles, shelters, interchange and information, such as real time information.
- A common set of quality/service standards for passenger transport around the region, to ensure that places receive at least minimum levels of passenger transport connectivity.
- Scottish Planning Policy 17 gives the order of priority for personal travel: walking, then cycling, then public transport, then other motorised modes. This hierarchy should be reflected in land-use planning. Clear policy for development control should necessitate the take-up, monitoring and evaluation of interventions to address prospective gaps in the public transport network as a result of development.