In January 2022 Transport Scotland announced a restructure of their fully-funded electric vehicle infrastructure funding model. Local Authorities are now required to leverage in private sector funding to enable delivery of infrastructure at the pace and scale required to meet demand and encourage further car users to switch to EV’s to support the wider climate change objectives, collaborating regionally where possible.

The new proposed structure will allow Local Authorities to access £30 million worth of funding and aims to leverage in a further £30 million of private sector investment, bringing the total investment for Scotland to £60 million.

This EVIF programme presented an opportunity for HITRANS to support the Councils and streamline resources, as well as identify and address common infrastructure challenges when trying to commercialise electric vehicle charging, particularly in remote, rural and island communities.

HITRANS are working with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Orkney Islands Council, Shetlands Islands Councils and Argyll and Bute Council to develop their EV strategy and deliver their procurement plan. The aim of this strategy is to facilitate a long -term financially self-sustaining EV charging network.

HITRANS are also supporting Moray Council in their collaboration with The Highland, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City Councils for this programme. They are procuring a private partner to deliver a portfolio of chargers in a hub and spoke approach, so that rural communities are not left behind. ‘Gilt Edged’ sites, existing infrastructure and fleet charging provide the commercial attraction for this ambitious business plan.