The HITRANS Board comprises a Councillor from each local authority area covered by the partnership and 3 non-council members appointed in a personal capacity by the Minister for Transport following open advertisement and selection. The Board has appointed a group of professional advisors who play an important role, working with the executive team, in developing strategy. The executive team report to the Board.
- Cllr Ken Gowans - Highland Council
- Cllr Amber Dunbar - Moray Council - Vice Chair
- Cllr David Dawson - Orkney Islands Council
- Cllr Uisdean Robertson - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - Chair
- John Armour - Argyll and Bute Council
- Shona MacLennan - Non Councillor Member
- Naomi Bremner - Non Councillor Member
- Robert Andrew - Non Councillor Member
- Derek Mackay - Secretary
- Carolyn Moir - Treasurer
Staff Team
- Ranald Robertson - Partnership Director
- Katy Cunningham - Business Manager
- Frank Roach - Partnership Manager
- Neil MacRae - Partnership Manager
- Vikki Trelfer - Active Travel Officer
- Katy Beasley - Scottish Islands Passport Manager
- Rachael Fraser - Project Officer - Finance
- Gemma Robinson - Project Manager - EVIF
- Rebecca Purvis - Project Officer - Digital and DRT
- Clare Harper - Business Support Assistant
- Rebecca Wallace - Projecet Officer - Sustainable Aviation Test Environment (SATE)
- Chris Finlay - Project Officer - Mobility Hubs
- Leah Mackay - Business Support Assistant (Sustainable Transport)
- Robert Wilson - Project Officer - Public Transport Information & GO HI Platform
- Ian Mackenzie - eBike Technician
- Jayne Golding - SATE Manager
- Lukas Princ - SATE Business Manager
- Jayne Groundwater - SATE Project Coordinator
- James Buck- Orkney Islands Council
- Fergus Murray- Argyll and Bute Council
- David MacLeod - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
- Malcolm MacLeod - Highland Council
- Kelly Wiltshire - Moray Council
- Nicholas Sobey - Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Grant Campbell - Scottish Council for Development and Industry