
Policies and Schemes

Find below a list of all the documents available for viewing or download in the [Policies and Schemes] category. Documents in other categories may be found by selecting the desired category from the [Document Category] menu below.

The list may be sorted by [Document Name], [Category], [Date] or [File Type] by clicking the [Sort] legend above the appropriate column. The sort order may be reversed by clicking the [Sort] legend again.

Currently showing documents 1 to 10 of 22.
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HITRANS Health and Safety Policy Statement Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 01/04/2024
HITRANS Privacy Notice Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 19/12/2023
Fair Work First Statement Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 07/11/2023
Data Protection Policy Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 18/07/2023
Publication Scheme Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 18/07/2023
HITRANS Scheme of Delegation Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 22/04/2022
HITRANS Financial Regulations - Adopted November 2021 Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 12/11/2021
HITRANS Equalities Outcomes Report Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 23/04/2021
HITRANS Mainstreaming The Equality Duty Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 23/04/2021
HITRANS Standing Orders Corporate - Corporate Documents - Policies and Schemes 02/04/2019
Currently showing documents 1 to 10 of 22.
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