12/6/2018 - Have your say on proposals to improve walking and cycling links surrounding Inverness Railway Station
The Highland Council, in partnership with HITRANS, invites you to have your say on proposals to improve walking and cycling links in Inverness city centre during a six week consultation beginning on Thursday 6 December 2018.
View and comment on the proposals online atconsult.highland.gov.uk before Saturday 19 January 2019.
Feedback is invited on outline designs for three key areas:
· Academy Street;
· Farraline Park, and the link between Rose Street and the Railway Station entrance;
· Falcon Square and Crown Road junction.
Options include widening pavements, reducing traffic speeds and introducing streetscape features to enhance the look and feel of the city centre. The designs were prepared by Civic Engineers as part of a project funded by Sustrans Scotland to investigate ways of improving walking and cycling links to all three entrances of Inverness Railway Station. The options were informed by dialogue with local access groups, active travel stakeholders, Inverness BID, bus operators and key organisations including Living Streets Scotland and Sustrans Scotland.
Although funding is not yet in place to deliver public realm improvements in this part of the city centre, consultation feedback will inform the preparation of a bid for further funding from Transport Scotland through Sustrans Scotland’s Community Links programme to progress to detail design stage.
Anyone without internet access can view the proposals online at Highland Council public libraries. Hard copies are also available to view at The Highland Council’s Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX. If you require large print copies, or have any questions, please email devplans@highland.gov.uk or phone 01349 886608 and ask to speak to a member of the Development Plans team.