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8/1/2017 - HITRANS responds to National Transport Strategy Call for Evidence

Transport Scotland has recently completed a call for evidence to support the development of a new National Transport Strategy.

This ‘Call for Evidence’ was undertaken on behalf of the Nation Transport Strategy Review Research and Evidence Working Group.

The Research and Evidence Group comprises a group of independent academic experts and Transport Scotland officials. The Group’s remit is to ensure the wider National Transport Strategy review process is informed by best practice and detailed evidence.

The Call for Evidence sought evidence, including international research, on what transport policy, land use and technological or digital interventions would be most effective in supporting the Scottish Government’s Strategic Objectives; delivering a transport system that enables Scotland to be wealthier and fairer, smarter, healthier, safer & stronger, and greener.

The National Transport Strategy 2 (NTS2) will look at how Scotland can successfully address the strategic challenges facing the transport network and how it can make the most of the opportunities that present themselves. Transport Scotland has committed to delivering a collaborative co-design of NTS2 by giving individuals and communities across Scotland a greater say in influencing the development of transport policy at local, regional and national level.

HITRANS were pleased to be afforded the opportunity to support the evidence gathering and were able to draw on our own work on the refresh of the Regional Transport Strategy to submit a comprehensive response to the call for evidence. This is available to download here

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