HITRANS hosts www.hitravel.liftshare.com for those looking to car share across the region. Members of the car sharing site are saving on average £800 a year simply by sharing their journeys. Start sharing and start saving.
What is car sharing?
It is when two or more people decide to travel to work together in one car rather than separately. It does not exclude people who would normally travel as a passenger on other transport, but is really aimed at getting vehicles off the roads by increasing the number of people in each car.
How does car sharing work?
Once you have completed the registration form the details will be entered into the database. The www.hitravel.liftshare.com system will then produce a list of suitable sharers; people to pick up on the way or who live near you and who meet the criteria you have requested.
You do not have to over commit yourself at this stage. One option is to set a trial period and a date to review the feelings of all parties. This will enable you to stop sharing at this point if the arrangement doesn't suit any or some of the parties involved.
Why should I consider car sharing?
Below are some of the many reasons:
- Reduce the mileage and everyday wear and tear on your vehicle.
- Reduce fuel costs [and parking charges] by sharing the day-to-day expenses.
- Reduce congestion and save valuable time, particularly at busy times of the day.
- Reduce traffic pollution.