11/22/2012 - Survey takes off to assess demand for Skye flights
An independent survey to assess demand for a direct air service to Skye launches this week – with businesses, groups and individuals all encouraged to take part.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), HITRANS and The Highland Council have jointly commissioned ARUP and RDC Aviation to undertake a review of the potential for re-establishing scheduled air services to the Ashaig airstrip, Broadford.
The Ashaig airstrip is currently in Highland Council ownership and is used by light aircraft but would need substantial upgrading to handle scheduled flights.
The overall study will consider the demand for air services, including what people will be prepared to pay; airport and aircraft options and the capital and operating cost of these; and the overall business case.
A spokesperson on behalf of the partners, said: “This survey will help assess the potential for air services, which destinations would be most viable and what frequency a potential air service to and from Skye and Lochalsh would have.
“We hope that as many people and businesses as possible complete the survey so we can get as accurate a picture as possible of what the likely demand for such a service is.”
The final report is expected to be published in early 2013.
The full survey goes live on Thursday, 22 November 2012 at http://www.rdcaviation.com/survey/skye/